The Android SDK is also offered by default only for arm64-v8a and x86_64. By default, the Perfectly Clear SDK now requires AVX support – this is present in nearly all CPU’s produced since 2011 by AMD (Bulldozer and later) and Intel (Sandy Bridge and later). A substantial speed gain was achieved by enabling AVX instruction set support for desktop/server processors and NEON support for ARM processors. Starting in v8.0, the SDK will default to the same detection rate as our Workbench application.
Face detection for the purpose of ‘Beautify’ corrections is now slightly more accurate. You may choose to disable this using the PFCFEATURE enum when calling Calc and Apply separately. Starting in v8.0, Tint detection is disabled when using AutoCorrect. However, if your implementation of Perfectly Clear does not offer Tint correction as a user-facing option, then you can gain a speed improvement by disabling tint detection. Tint detection is performed in the ‘Calc’ phase, and if you allow the user to enable or disable Tint correction, then it is important to perform Tint detection regardless of the user’s choice this allows Tint to be toggled on or off without needing to ‘Calc’ a second time. Tint Calculation can optionally be skipped when tint correction is not enabled. This is controlled through the PFCFEATURE enum when using separate Calc and Apply function calls, or through an additional function parameter when calling AutoCorrect. Face Aware Exposure can now be run on a larger (slower) or smaller (faster) image. The following features and improvements account for the speed gains:
The total processing time depends on many factors: image size, correction parameters enabled, and computer characteristics, so exact speed improvements cannot be stated exactly. On computers and servers, you should expect about a 3x speed improvement when compared to v7.4.
Dramatic speed improvement: several options and internal optimizations have been put in place to reduce the Calc, Apply, and AutoCorrect processing times dramatically. We’ve been hard at work at our newest major update to our SDK packages, and we’re trilled to provide these to our SDK customers at no additional cost.